We had a great day of making music, listening to music and getting music out to anyone who would listen! We partnered with SAPA TV's Production Coordinator, Johnny Gifford, and set up all day in his parking lot, after that we went to the Unitarian Universalist Meetinghouse and set up for the few musicians who could not make it to SAPA TV. We were out from 9am-8:30pm, making a very long day but well worth it!

A HUGE thank you to David Schein from Big Heavy World here in Vermont, for helping us plan, organize and put on a day of music! Thanks to Johnny Gifford for willing to partner with us and to everyone at SAPA TV for allowing us to use their parking lot. Thank you to everyone at the International "Make Music Day" organization

Thank you to all the musicians who played:

Bill Brink

Johnny Gifford

Dylan Patrick Ward

Trevor Robinson

Pat Daddona

Matt Meserve


And a big thank you to my wife, June, for putting this all together and supporting musicians everywhere


Bill Brink and Johnny Gifford

Johnny Gifford

Trevor Robinson

Dylan Patrick Ward

Pat Daddona

Matt Meserve

World Music Day/Make Music Vermont

June 21, 2022

Make Music Vermont is part of World Music Day, which happens every year on June 21. Tens of thousands of musicians of all ages from all over the world (120 countries) play music for free in their communities, celebrating how music crosses borders and brings people together. Musicians of all ages, skill sets and genres are encouraged to participate in this world wide festival by registering to perform for Make Music Vermont on June 21. Sites can vary from a front porch in a small town, to a Vermont State Park, to a main stage on Main Street, to a Senior Center cafeteria. Performers can range from a 4th grader playing guitar for their friends and neighbors, to a heavy metal band, to a symphony orchestra, to a piano concert of old favorites in a living room or from the back of a pickup truck driving around town. Performers and venues that participate will be on the Vermont Make Music Day map which will have links to their websites and social media...and this will be linked to the National map.